Autism Association of W.A.
I recently presented at the Autism Association of W.A. Advisor meeting. The presentation was approx. 45min in length. I spoke about my autism journey as a late diagnosed woman, future studies and autism in girls, teenage girls engagement in therapy and support, what I feel would have helped me post-diagnosis, anxiety and autism (in particular, school refusal).
I plan on continuing my studies in 2022, with a post grad cert in Autism Studies, then hopefully onto a Master of Autism Studies. My goal is to become a Developmental Educator (DE), to provide services and support to families, particularly in the Mandurah region.
So what are some of the benefits of attending a support group, particularly for newly diagnosed women?
Research tells us that support post-diagnosis has a positive effect on a newly dx autistic person
Peer support (autistic-led) provides greater empathy, mutual understanding of what it feels like to be autistic (eg Au-some Women)
Reaching out for support crucial for autistic wellbeing
Post-dx can often be a confusing time/mixed emotions/stages of acceptance/how to move forward with new dx
Autistic-led support groups provide:
Deeper understanding of autism - self-awareness & knowledge
Empowerment via meeting other autistic women/shared safe space/less judgement
Feeling less isolated/sense of belonging
Develop strategies to better support one-self/shared experiences
Ref: Crane, L., Hearst, C., Ashworth, M., Davies, J., & Hill, E. L. (2021). Supporting newly identified or diagnosed autistic adults: An initial evaluation of an autistic-led programme. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 51(3), 892-905.